Election of School Site Council Officers School Site Council Meeting #1 Agenda - September 25, 2024 - 3:20 pm - In-person Meeting Location: Parent Center
Join us on Thursday, September 19 at 1:45pm for a parent workshop on supporting student success. We will be reviewing school data and resources for supporting student learning. Food will be provided. We hope to see you there!
September is Suicide Prevention Month At HMS, we are taking action for suicide prevention and promoting positive mental health and wellness self-care and wellness activities will be held during lunch all week long!
Welcome to the Hollenbeck Middle School website. The purpose of this webpage is to provide parents, students, and our school community with easy access to a wealth of information on our Hollenbeck's School programs, policies, and activities.
Hollenbeck Middle School staff, students, and parents are committed to working together as a learning community that promotes academic excellence, upstanding character, and a positive school culture.